This is foreseen to be an occasional blog relating to bird ringing at Abbotsbury Swannery. The site has operated as a BTO Constant Effort Site since 1995 and has taken part in the BTO Swallow Roost Project. In recent years we have concentrated in the autumn with both Yellow and Pied/White Wagtails. In 2009 we joined the Woodcock Network.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Turning yellow again

These last four evenings we have set the nets just before 7pm and managed to catch 415 yellow wagtails.  The roost each evening has been something in the order of 500-600 birds. Fantastic sight. A very special species- for me at least as I love wagtails.

On some evenings we have caught some strange yellow wagtails which has got Luke and I thinking. Luke has featured some of these on his blog.  There is no reason as to why Grey-headed, along with Blue-headed Wagtails should not drift across the south coast of this country from Fenno-Scandinavia and mainland Europe at this time of year. As usual with ringing more questions than answers but we are working on it..

Last night we caught our first white 'alba' wagtails for the autumn. Two splendid males along with two juveniles and 106 'yellow' wagtails.  The late evening ringing sessions are helped along with the odd  'tanglefoot' or an  'old speckled hen'.

Male 'alba' wagtail complete with colour rings
Head of male yellow wagtail- flavissima


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