This is foreseen to be an occasional blog relating to bird ringing at Abbotsbury Swannery. The site has operated as a BTO Constant Effort Site since 1995 and has taken part in the BTO Swallow Roost Project. In recent years we have concentrated in the autumn with both Yellow and Pied/White Wagtails. In 2009 we joined the Woodcock Network.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

They're back!

After getting concerned about the lack of Yellow Wagtals at the site- only 2 observed till start of this week last night  the nets were set for a roost and 9 were caught from about the 30 birds present along with a good number of Swallows and odds and ends in the withy bed.. We were joined by  a member of the Axe Estuary Ringing Group who wanted some experience with roost ringing ( and also the chance of yellow wagtails). Despite the light breeze the evening proved successful with two pied wagtails also caught and colour ringed. The Pied Wagtail roost is slowly building up now.

An early morning session at the end of last week was brought to  a sudden halt when from nowhere it rained. Just as things were picking up at 61 birds. The best bird was the first one out of the net at first light - a Grasshopper Warbler. Sedge Warbler fat scores usual for juvs at about 20 and the few adults caught heavy with 50.


Weather looks grim for this evening but end of the week looks promising with high pressure and low winds- at the moment anyway!

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